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Sharon Tate’s Tragic Battle to Save Unborn Child from the Manson Family

Actress , a rising star in Hollywood, was brutally murdered by members of Charles Manson's cult when she was just two weeks away from giving birth.

At the age of 26, Tate, who would have turned 80 today, was eight and a half months pregnant when the infamous Manson Family broke into her home on August 9, 1969.

Tate had been spending time with friends Jay Sebring, Wojciech Frykowski, and Abigail Folger after dinner when the Manson Family violently entered the house she was renting with her husband, film director .

Polanski was away in Europe at the time.

The murders were horrifyingly brutal.

Jay Sebring was shot when he tried to intervene in the attack on Sharon and then stabbed seven times.

Eighteen-year-old Steven Parent, a friend of the caretaker, was shot and killed as the Manson Family burst into the Los Angeles home.

While Frykowski was asleep on the sofa, the Manson Family barged in, and Tex Watson kicked him in the head.

When Frykowski questioned Watson's actions, he chillingly replied, “I am the devil, and I'm here to do the devil's business.”

Watson proceeded to tie Sharon and Jay together with a rope around their necks, suspending it over the living room beam.

Abigail Folger was instructed to retrieve her purse from the bedroom and handed $70 to the Manson Family.

She managed to escape through a bedroom door but was pursued and stabbed by Patricia Krenwinkel.

However, Folger's ordeal grew even more horrific when Watson stabbed her 28 times, ultimately leading to her death.

Although Frykowski's hands were bound, he managed to free himself and engage in a struggle with Susan Atkins, who repeatedly stabbed his legs.

Despite multiple injuries, Frykowski fought to escape the house but was eventually stabbed 51 times.

Sharon herself endured 16 stab wounds to the chest and was strangled with a rope.

Her lifeless body, mutilated and broken, was discovered with the cord still wrapped around her neck.

Tragically, her unborn baby, due to be born within weeks, did not survive the brutal attack.

During the harrowing ordeal, Sharon desperately fought not only for her own life but also for the life of her unborn child.

She bravely offered herself as a hostage, pleading for two more weeks to have her baby before her murder.

However, her pleas fell on deaf ears.

It remains unclear whether Watson or Atkins delivered the fatal blow to Tate.

Nevertheless, she was stabbed 16 times, crying out for her mother as the attack took place.

After the killers had completed their gruesome act, they used a bloodied towel that had bound Wojciech's hands to write the word “pig” in blood on Sharon's front door.

Just one day after the Tate murder, the Manson Family struck again, killing supermarket executive Leno LaBianca and his wife, Rosemary, at their home in Los Angeles.

Despite the proximity of the two crime scenes, law enforcement did not initially connect them.

In December 1969, members of the Manson Family were arrested for car thefts.

While Susan Atkins was in custody, she confessed to her fellow prisoners about the murders committed by the cult.

Several days later, the rest of the group was apprehended, and their trial began on June 15, 1970.

After being found guilty on 27 counts, all four members of the Manson Family were sentenced to death.

Atkins died from a brain tumor in 2008, having been denied parole 18 times.

Charles Manson himself died of a heart attack on November 19, 2017, at the age of 83.

was laid to rest with her unborn son, whom she had intended to name Paul after her father.

The tragic loss of Sharon and her unborn child serves as a haunting reminder of the heinous crimes committed by the Manson Family.

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