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Nick Nolte’s Revelation: The Story Behind the Bitter Feud with Julia Roberts

Back in 1994, the rom-com I Love Trouble hit the screens with A-listers and Nick Nolte taking the lead roles as rival journalists teaming up for an investigation.

Despite their star power, the movie failed to impress.

The premiere was met with negative reviews, sparking rumors of personal conflicts between Roberts and Nolte on set.

Their public exchanges of harsh words fueled speculation about the underlying cause of their infamous feud.

Nearly three decades later, Nick Nolte has broken his silence on the long-standing rift.

Delve into his perspective on what triggered the feud and who he holds accountable.

Discover: Critics Reveal the Worst Movie Ever Made.

During the filming of I Love Trouble in 1993, Julia Roberts shared her candid thoughts on her co-star in an interview with The New York Times.

She described her dynamic with Nolte as a mix of camaraderie and irritation, labeling him as both charming and repulsive.

Roberts did not mince words, stating that Nolte seemed to purposefully push people away, branding him as “disgusting.”

In response, Nolte fired back in an interview with the Los Angeles Times, condemning Roberts' choice of words.

He retorted, “It's not nice to call someone ‘disgusting,'” while asserting that Roberts herself lacked amiability, a sentiment he believed was widely recognized.

Reports surfaced suggesting their on-screen chemistry suffered due to their off-screen discord.

Sources revealed that tensions escalated during filming, with Roberts allegedly displaying temperamental outbursts.

The mismatched personalities reportedly led to a clash, with Roberts criticizing Nolte's demeanor while he retaliated by provoking her further.

In a recent interview, Nolte addressed the animosity between him and Roberts, dismissing any intention of reconciliation.

At 81 years old, he reflected on the past feud, acknowledging his role in the conflict.

Nolte acknowledged culpability on his part while attributing a portion of the blame to Roberts.

He hinted at external factors contributing to the strained relationship, citing Roberts' marriage to musician Lyle Lovett in 1993 as a potential stressor during their collaboration on I Love Trouble.

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