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JFK Files Unveil FBI Memo About Startling Book Exposing Marilyn Monroe and Bobby Kennedy Relationship

Among the recently disclosed files, a letter has surfaced cautioning Robert F. Kennedy about an upcoming book that would allege his involvement in 's demise.

This revelation was directed to the then-Attorney General Kennedy and the FBI Director, shedding light on the contents of the impending publication titled “The Strange Death of .”

The memo detailed author Frank A. Capell's intentions to publish assertions linking Marilyn Monroe with , highlighting a supposed secretive affair between the Hollywood icon and the prominent political figure.

The communication emphasized how this alleged affair was kept under wraps from the public eye despite being well-known among Monroe's acquaintances and media personnel in Hollywood.

Sent on 14 July 1964, the letter conveyed Capell's beliefs that played a role in Monroe's untimely passing.

It referenced portions from the 70-page book, outlining claims that Kennedy misled Monroe into thinking he would leave his wife for her and even marry her, which supposedly led to Monroe threatening to expose their relationship, jeopardizing Kennedy's political ambitions.

According to the document, the book suggested that Kennedy orchestrated Monroe's demise, making it look like a suicide by exploiting a supposed Communist plot adept at eliminating adversaries.

Despite the book's release later in 1964, it failed to garner significant public attention, though its contentious assertions added weight to prior rumors surrounding a scandalous connection between Monroe and Kennedy.

Recently, new evidence emerged supporting the existence of a romantic involvement between Marilyn Monroe and Bobby Kennedy.

Discovered among Monroe's personal effects was a letter from Jean Kennedy Smith, Bobby and John Kennedy's sister, dating back to the early 1960s.

In the letter, she hinted at a burgeoning relationship between Monroe and Bobby Kennedy, suggesting that Monroe accompany him on his return to the East Coast.

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