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Salma Hayek’s Encounter with Harvey Weinstein: A Revelation of Bullying and Harassment

, aged 55, recently disclosed the distressing ordeal she faced while collaborating with the disgraced filmmaker .

She recounted how Weinstein berated her for appearing “ugly” during the filming of her biographical movie, , in 2002.

In an interview with the Guardian, the renowned actress delved into the years of purported s–ual misconduct and intimidation she endured from Weinstein.

In 2020, Weinstein was convicted and sentenced to 23 years in prison for s–ual assault and rape following numerous accusations from women, which catalyzed the #MeToo movement.

Recalling the incidents, Hayek revealed, “I would tremble [after his verbal abuse], and it did bring me down, but there was a surreal aspect to the entire situation.”

She elaborated on how Weinstein would angrily question her during the production, exclaiming, “Why do you sport a [unibrow] and mustache?

I didn't hire you to look unattractive!”

Hayek retorted, “But have you never seen a picture of Frida Kahlo?

If a man were portraying Cyrano de Bergerac, he wouldn't criticize the nose.”

When asked about her ability to consistently rebuff Weinstein's advances, she attributed it to her inner strength.

“I possessed great resilience,” she affirmed.

“I didn't merely decline.

I emanate a formidable presence.

He never witnessed my vulnerability.

It's not that I lack fear, but I conceal it.

My composed strength can be quite intimidating, you know?”

Regrettably, Hayek noted that this defense mechanism is all too familiar to many women.

“We're females!

Hence, we learn to be courageous.

It's challenging, yet imperative,” she emphasized.

In 2017, Hayek penned an article for the New York Times delving into her encounters with Weinstein.

In her narrative, the actress detailed how the now 69-year-old had persistently s–ually harassed her over the years, outlining a myriad of advances she staunchly refused.

“I declined sharing a shower with him.

I rejected his request to watch me shower.

I refused a massage from him.

I turned down a massage from a n^de acquaintance of his.

I said no to receiving oral s=x from him.

I refused to disrobe with another woman.

No, no, no, no, no… And each denial triggered Harvey's vindictive fury,” she wrote.

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