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Amanda Bynes Reveals the Reason Behind Her Shocking Tweet to Drake

has resurfaced, shedding light on one of her most controversial tweets that made waves on Twitter.

The former All That star delved into her past actions, particularly the eyebrow-raising tweet from 2013 directed at , where she expressed, “I want @ to murder my vag|na.” Bynes explained, “I wasn't joking.

I was serious when I said ‘murder my vag|na.'

I was under the influence of drugs at the time, so that was my way of suggesting, ‘Let's get together,' but in a humorous manner.”

She added, “He's attractive!

What does that even mean?

It simply translates to, ‘Intimate with me, Drake!'”

In the realm of logical explanations, sometimes the simplest answer is the most plausible: drugs.

found herself under the influence and desired an intimate encounter with a renowned rap artist.

This desire is not exclusive to her, as many share similar fantasies and will continue to do so.

Amanda Bynes has endured a tumultuous period.

To put it mildly, it was one of the most challenging phases witnessed in pop culture history.

Just skimming through the headlines paints a bleak picture:

– Bynes alleges mistreatment by a law enforcement officer, refuting false reports
– Eviction notice served to Bynes
– Amanda Bynes' public breakdown solidifies her position among the eccentric figures in showbiz
– Arrested in New York City, Bynes discards her bong from a high-rise building upon spotting the police
– Contradictory statements regarding her arrest emerge, denying bong throwing but asserting mistreatment by officers
urges Amanda Bynes to regain control of her life
– Bynes spirals on Twitter once more, prompting concerns over the outcome
– Recent updates clarify the previous allegations against her father, attributing them to her implanted device's influence

This list merely scratches the surface, with numerous distressing incidents documented on multiple pages.

Despite the turbulent times, there seems to be a glimmer of hope as Amanda Bynes appears to be gearing up for a potential comeback.

We can only hope for the best as she navigates this challenging journey towards redemption.

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