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Britney Spears Reveals Affair with Wade Robson in New Memoir

After enduring years of speculation, has come clean about cheating on her former flame with dancer Wade Robson.

The 41-year-old pop icon is opening up about her personal life in her upcoming memoir, The Woman In Me, scheduled for publication on October 24.

Rumors circulated that Britney and Justin parted ways in 2002 following a three-year relationship due to her involvement with Australian choreographer Wade.

Justin famously dropped the track Cry Me A River post-breakup, hinting at infidelity in its lyrics.

In an exclusive report by The US Sun, Britney affirms in her memoir that she shared a kiss with Wade during a night out.

In a candid moment, she penned, ‘We were out one night and we went to a Spanish bar.

We danced and danced.

I made out with him that night.'

Britney also disclosed that apart from that incident, she remained faithful to Justin throughout their time together.

She informed Justin about the kiss with Wade, and they managed to move forward in their relationship.

Wade, who choreographed Britney's iconic Oops…

I Did It Again and I'm A Slave 4 U music videos as well as her Live from Las Vegas concert special in 2001, received praise from Britney on Good Morning America in 2000.

Their romance was fleeting, though, as Britney and Wade called it quits within a year.

Wade largely stayed away from the spotlight until his appearance in the 2019 documentary Leaving Neverland, where he recounted alleged childhood abuse by .

Recently, Britney also disclosed having undergone an abortion at the age of 19 while dating Justin.

In an excerpt obtained by People, she expressed her desire to start a family with Justin but conceded to his view that they were not prepared for parenthood at such a young age.

Britney reflected, ‘It was a surprise, but for me, it wasn't a tragedy.

I loved Justin so much.

I always expected us to have a family together one day.

This would just be much earlier than I'd anticipated.'

The decision to terminate the pregnancy weighed heavily on her, labeling it as ‘one of the most agonizing things I have ever experienced in my life' in her memoir.

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