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Tippi Hedren Exposes Alfred Hitchcock’s Disturbing s**ual Behavior

's decision to cast , an unknown actress, in the lead role of his film The Birds shocked Hollywood.

Hedren, a 31-year-old blonde model who was discovered by Hitchcock in a diet milkshake commercial, admits that she too was surprised by the offer.

Hitchcock didn't even bother to find out if she could act before signing her to a seven-year contract and investing a small fortune in preparing her for a screen test.

As filming commenced and the creeping menace of Hitchcock's thrillers set in, Hedren began to realize that there may be something darker at play.

Hitchcock's unsettling s**ual obsession with her and the cruelty he inflicted when she rejected his advances would become one of the most infamous actor-director relationships in Hollywood history.

Hedren's decision to write a memoir, titled “Tippi,” detailing Hitchcock's predatory behavior has sparked controversy among some of Hitchcock's biographers.

They argue that the accusations against the renowned director are exaggerated and tarnish his legacy.

In her book, Hedren, now 86 years old, chronicles Hitchcock's transformation from a charming man to a sadistic tormentor.

At the time she met Hitchcock, Hedren had just divorced her first husband and was considering typing classes as her modeling career in New York was dwindling.

She was charmed by Hitchcock and his wife Alma, who gave her acting lessons.

As an outsider in Tinseltown, she knew nothing about the rumors surrounding their unconventional, sexless marriage.

However, it quickly became apparent to Hedren that Hitchcock was playing disturbing mind games with her.

His lawyer claimed to have discovered that she had a reputation for being “available to men” during her modeling career, a claim she found outrageous.

Hitchcock then suggested a screen test in which he would ply her with martinis and ask her provocative questions.

Although the idea never materialized, Hedren felt uneasy about his intentions.

During the filming of The Birds, a movie about a town under attack by homicidal birds, Hedren realized that she was nothing more than Hitchcock's property.

Whenever she interacted with male cast or crew members, Hitchcock would become icy and petulant.

The cast and crew were afraid to socialize with her for fear of offending Hitchcock.

Even her co-stars, such as Rod Taylor and , were warned not to touch her.

The mistreatment continued throughout the production.

Animal handlers hurled live ravens and pigeons at Hedren during the filming of a scene, causing her great distress.

She suspects that this was Hitchcock's revenge for publicly rejecting him.

Hitchcock also revealed his disturbing thoughts on set, confessing to feeling aroused while watching and kiss during the filming of To Catch A Thief.

Hedren discovered that Hitchcock was having her followed by members of the crew and even saw him driving past her house in his limousine.

In a dark corner of the film studio, he asked her to touch him, but she refrained from slapping him, fearing the consequences for her career.

Despite enduring these traumatic experiences, Hedren completed filming and The Birds became a huge success.

However, due to her “ironclad” seven-year contract with Hitchcock, she was obligated to continue working for him.

In her next film, Marnie, she played a character who was terrified of being touched by men, reflecting her own experiences with Hitchcock.

Hitchcock's obsession with Hedren escalated, and he even had a lavish dressing room built for her next to his office.

This allowed him to visit her unnoticed through a back door.

Matters came to a head when he s**ually assaulted her, leaving her shocked and repulsed.

When she confronted him, he threatened to ruin her career, but she stood her ground and refused to give in to his demands.

True to his word, Hitchcock blocked an attempt by Universal Studios to nominate Hedren for an Oscar for her performance in Marnie and tarnished her reputation within the industry.

Although Hedren received many film offers, she was unable to accept them due to her contractual obligations to Hitchcock.

By the time she was free from his control, Hollywood's interest in her had waned.

While some rush to Hitchcock's defense, claiming that the fallout was merely a clash of egos, Hedren believes that Hitchcock felt entitled to her loyalty and gratitude for pulling her out of obscurity.

Despite the damage done to her acting career, Hedren persevered and dedicated her life to animal rescue, establishing a sanctuary for big cats in California.

While Hitchcock may have ruined her career, he never had the power to ruin her life, she asserts.

As debates about Hitchcock's legacy continue, one thing is certain: the malevolence he portrayed on screen may not have ended when the cameras stopped rolling.

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