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Lance Armstrong Confesses to Doping in Oprah Interview

In a surprising turn of events, Lance Armstrong has admitted to using performance-enhancing drugs during his cycling career.

Numerous media outlets, including ABC News, the New York Times, and USA Today, reported that Armstrong made the confession in an interview with .

The interview, which lasted 2 1/2 hours, took place in Armstrong's hometown of Austin, Texas.

According to sources familiar with the interview, Armstrong was emotional at times but did not discuss the specifics of his drug use.

However, there are reports that he may repay some of the money he received from the U.S.

Postal Service, which sponsored his team during his Tour de France victories.

The agency paid over $31 million to sponsor the team from 1996 to 2004.

Armstrong's admission comes after years of vehemently denying any involvement in doping.

He won a record seven straight Tour de France titles from 1999 to 2005 before being stripped of his titles in October 2012 due to a blood-doping scandal.

The U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) issued a report stating that there was overwhelming evidence of Armstrong's involvement in a sophisticated doping program.

The interview with Oprah will air on the Network on Thursday at 9 p.m.


While there is speculation about what Armstrong will say, some believe he may not offer a full confession but rather discuss the era of doping in professional cycling.

This confession, if it happens, could have legal ramifications for Armstrong, as he may face lawsuits as a result.

Despite the controversy surrounding Armstrong, he has made efforts to apologize to those affected by his actions.

He recently met with the staff of the Livestrong Foundation, the cancer charity he started, and offered a sincere apology for the stress they endured because of him.

Armstrong encouraged them to continue their work in helping cancer survivors and their families.

The timing of Armstrong's confession has raised questions about his motivation.

Some believe he sees it as a way to rebuild his reputation and regain eligibility in professional sports.

However, such a confession could also expose him to legal consequences.

Armstrong is likely receiving advice from his legal team to navigate these potential challenges.

Throughout his career, Armstrong consistently denied using banned substances and illegal blood transfusions.

He argued that he had undergone more than 500 drug tests and never failed.

However, the USADA report stated that he had been tested less than 60 times, and his former teammates testified to beating or avoiding the tests altogether.

Armstrong's fall from grace has been significant.

After winning his battles against testicular cancer and dominating the cycling world, he became an icon and raised millions for cancer victims through his foundation.

However, doping allegations have plagued him for years, with fellow cyclist Floyd Landis making claims in 2011.

In response to the allegations, Armstrong sued the USADA, but the case was dismissed by a federal judge.

He was subsequently stripped of his titles and banned from cycling.

Despite these setbacks, Armstrong remains a highly recognizable figure, and his confession on Oprah's show is eagerly anticipated by many.

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