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Hollywood news

Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, and the Significance of Our Reactions

New Allegations Against in Brangelina Abuse Case

A countersuit filed last week has brought to light shocking allegations of physical assault by against his ex-wife and their children.

The lawsuit claims that during a flight in 2016, Pitt violently grabbed Jolie by the head, shook her, and pushed her into a bathroom wall.

In addition, he stands accused of choking one of their children, striking another in the face, and pouring alcohol on both the children and Jolie.

Although no criminal charges were pressed at the time of the incident, Pitt's lawyer has recently denied these accusations.

The Public Response: Compassion or Spectacle?

The bombshell allegations have sparked a divisive public reaction.

Some have expressed empathy for Jolie and her children, while others have taken Pitt's side, painting Jolie as a vindictive ex intent on tarnishing his reputation.

This polarization is reminiscent of the way social media users discredited Amber Heard during her legal battle against .

Nicole Bedera, a s**ual violence researcher, laments the trivialization of discussions surrounding abuse and s**ual violence, which should never be reduced to entertainment.

The Importance of Our Reaction

As outsiders, we can never truly know what transpired between Pitt and Jolie.

However, our response to domestic violence and abuse allegations holds significant weight, not only for Jolie but also for the countless victims who observe and listen to our remarks.

It is crucial that we approach such cases with sensitivity and empathy.

Dismissal of 's Claims

Jolie is no stranger to tabloid gossip, with rumors circulating about her alleged affair with Pitt being the reason behind his split from .

Additionally, her unconventional behavior, such as kissing her brother at the Oscars and her relationship with , has raised eyebrows.

Nicole Bedera argues that there is an assumption that Jolie failed to fulfill the ideal role of a chaste and virginal wife, leading some to accept any wrongdoing within her marriage.

However, the notion of a perfect victim is nothing more than a myth.

No woman can ever meet the expectations of all men at all times.

The Consequences of Our Perceptions

Our preconceived notions of what a victim should look like have far-reaching consequences.

Those who do not conform to these expectations are often viewed as dishonest or malicious, and empathy towards them diminishes.

Charlotte Proudman, a lawyer representing survivors of rape and domestic abuse, expresses concern over the rise of trial by PR and social media, where toxic, misogynistic, and abusive language prevails.

This environment discourages women from reporting abuse, as they witness the public vilification of rich and famous women.

It erodes their confidence in speaking out against their abusers.

The Struggle for Belief

Even powerful and wealthy A-list stars like Evan Rachel Wood and FKA twigs face misogyny when they publicly name and accuse their alleged abusers.

Rather than receiving support, they are often met with dismissive attitudes, as their accusations are seen as mere celebrity gossip.

The false belief that our interactions with celebrities cannot impact them perpetuates this lack of empathy.

Bedera warns that when victims like Jolie are publicly ridiculed and humiliated, it sends a message to individuals currently in abusive relationships that they too will not be believed.

Moving Forward with Empathy

To foster empathy and understanding, we must confront our own sexist double standards when dismissing women.

This involves challenging biases regarding victim and perpetrator behavior and reevaluating our comments and jokes about domestic abuse allegations, even if they involve admired celebrities.

It is crucial to create an environment where survivors feel safe and supported.

Support for Domestic Violence Victims

If you are a victim of domestic violence, The National Domestic Violence Hotline offers confidential support through trained advocates online or by phone (800-799-7233).

For those concerned about their online activity being monitored, they recommend calling instead.

Safe Horizon's hotline (1-800-621-HOPE) provides crisis counseling, safety planning, and assistance in finding shelters.

The New York City Anti-Violence Project also offers support through their 24/7 English/Spanish hotline (212-714-1141) or their website for safe contact options.

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