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Arnold Schwarzenegger Admits Wrongdoing in Addressing Accusations of Inappropriate Behavior

In a new Netflix docuseries titled “Arnold,” opens up about the allegations of s**ual misconduct that have haunted him for two decades.

The series explores the life of the actor, bodybuilder, and politician, from his early days in Austria to his iconic roles in films like “The Terminator,” “Twins,” and “True Lies.”

It also delves into his personal life, including his admission of fathering a child with his housekeeper while married to Maria Shriver.

One of the major focuses of the docuseries is the claims made against Schwarzenegger regarding his alleged groping and humiliation of several women over the span of thirty years.

These accusations came to light just days before he was elected as the governor of California in 2003, when the Los Angeles Times published a report featuring statements from six women who accused Schwarzenegger of touching them inappropriately without their consent.

During his campaign, Schwarzenegger vehemently denied the allegations, calling them “made up” and insisting that he had never engaged in such behavior.

However, he also acknowledged in a speech that he had behaved poorly on rowdy movie sets and admitted to doing things that were not right or playful.

He apologized to those he had offended at the time.

Now, reflecting on the scandal after two decades, Schwarzenegger has expanded on his previous apology.

In an interview for the documentary, he admits that his past behavior was unequivocally wrong, regardless of the time period.

He no longer offers any excuses, stating plainly that it was “bullshit” and urging people to forget all the excuses.

Carla Hall, one of the reporters from the LA Times who broke the story, also appears in the docuseries.

She discusses her surprise at the public reaction, which was largely dismissive of the allegations.

Hall reveals that she and her colleagues faced backlash for targeting a beloved public figure, and the story had little impact on the outcome of the governor race.

She denies any intentional timing of the story's release, explaining that it took time to investigate thoroughly.

The Netflix docuseries “Arnold” will be available for streaming on June 7th, providing viewers with an in-depth look at 's life, career, and the controversies that have followed him throughout his journey.

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