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Ashley Judd’s Reflection on Traumatic Accident in Congo Highlights Life-Saving Help

Ashley Judd, the renowned actress and humanitarian, recently opened up about the severity of her traumatic accident in the Congo and how fortunate she was to receive life-saving assistance.

In February 2021, Judd suffered a devastating leg injury, shattering her right leg in four places while hiking in a Congolese forest.

Recalling the harrowing experience during an interview with Kate Roberts on her podcast s**, Body & Soul, Judd expressed gratitude for surviving the grueling 55-hour rescue operation and described the excruciating pain she endured.

She marveled at the resilient combination of her mind, body, and soul that allowed her to endure the seemingly unendurable.

Despite biting a stick, screaming, howling, and convulsing, Judd managed to stay conscious throughout the ordeal, although she admitted to wishing she could pass out to escape the agony.

For five agonizing hours, Judd lay on the forest floor until her group finally located her and reset her broken bones.

Her “Congolese brothers” then transported her in a hammock, navigating hills and rivers for an hour and a half, back to their camp.

From there, she embarked on a six-hour motorcycle ride to reach a location where she could be rescued by helicopter and flown to a hospital.

Judd revealed that upon arriving at a hospital in South Africa, her leg had no pulse, and she was hemorrhaging.

She emphasized the gravity of the situation, stating that if she had been transported to Europe instead, she would have bled to death.

Reflecting on the arduous 55-hour rescue, Judd discovered the resilience of her mind, even in the midst of animalistic instincts.

She attributed her ability to endure to her dedicated meditation practice and personal growth, acknowledging the grace that accompanied her throughout the ordeal.

The actress worked diligently to reframe her mindset during the ordeal, recognizing that she couldn’t have expectations regarding when she would receive help or whether she would receive pain medication.

She approached the situation with a one-breath-at-a-time mentality, expressing gratitude and politeness while avoiding blaming others or taking out her frustration on those around her.

Judd acknowledged that she was pushed to her limits but strived to remain open and find inner strength.

She emphasized the importance of creating space within herself, even when at the edge of her endurance.

In the interview, which took place last year, Judd revealed her intention to return to the Congo in January, emphasizing her deep connection to the country and her desire to continue her work there.

“I’m getting right back to the Congo; it’s where I belong,” she declared.

“I love it.

It feels good to me.”

Ashley Judd’s account of her accident and subsequent rescue serves as a testament to human resilience and the power of inner strength.

Despite facing unimaginable challenges, Judd’s ability to endure and maintain grace amidst adversity showcases her remarkable spirit.

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