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Hollywood news

Aubrey Plaza’s Unique Approach: ‘Dirty Grandpa’ Experience with Robert De Niro

In a surprising turn of events, Aubrey Plaza embraced method acting for the 2016 s=x comedy “Dirty Grandpa,” leading to an unexpected reaction from her co-star .

During a showcase of Plaza's recent film “Emily the Criminal” at the London Film Festival, the former “Parks and Recreation” star reminisced about her transition from the renowned NBC sitcom to her initial movie role post-sitcom fame.

Reflecting on her collaboration with Academy Award winner De Niro, Plaza confessed that she initially came across as overly intense.

She acknowledged engaging in behaviors that she would approach differently today.

Plaza disclosed the challenges of establishing a personal connection with De Niro off-camera due to his reserved nature.

She highlighted the limited opportunity for casual conversations with the acclaimed actor, emphasizing his enigmatic presence onset.

Plaza elaborated on her method acting approach, revealing that upon De Niro's arrival, she fully immersed herself in character, solely focused on her role's objective of initiating a s–ual encounter with him.

This intense dedication to her character led to eccentric behavior that perplexed De Niro, as he struggled to differentiate between Plaza's portrayal and her authentic self, considering his own background in acting.

The actress shared an incident where one of her representatives informed her of De Niro's disconcertment with her behavior during filming.

Subsequently, De Niro organized a gathering for the film's cast and crew, during which he failed to recognize Plaza out of character, leading to a humorous exchange that eventually eased the tension between them.

Plaza recounted her audition experience for “Dirty Grandpa,” emphasizing her deliberate choice to challenge typecasting by pursuing a role that defied conventional expectations.

Motivated by the desire to break free from predefined roles, Plaza aimed to surprise audiences with her unconventional interpretations of characters, leveraging the constraints of typecasting as a driving force for personal growth and artistic exploration.

The versatile actress, known for her role in “Ingrid Goes West,” expressed her commitment to pushing boundaries and defying genre categorizations.

Plaza emphasized her consistent approach to both comedic and dramatic roles, highlighting her unwavering dedication to each character she embodies, leaving the audience to discern the humor or depth within her performances based on their individual perspectives.

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