In the realm of hip-hop, conflicts and aggressive lyrics have often been synonymous with the genre's competitive nature, sometimes leading to destructive outcomes within...
During a tense moment at the Flavor Flavor roast, Cat Williams stood firm against Comedy Central's pressure to humiliate Flavor, refusing to compromise his...
Renowned comedian Eddie Griffin has been making headlines on his latest platform, NNN, delving into the realms of comedy, conspiracy theories, and one of...
Renowned comedian Eddie Griffin has recently launched a new show on NNN TV (Nigga News Network), delving into media distractions and hidden agendas. In...
At Dreamville Fest, J. Cole made a surprising move that caught everyone's attention. Following Kendrick Lamar's release of a track containing sharp words aimed...
The ongoing feud between Kendrick Lamar and Drake has reached a boiling point in recent times, with the two rappers engaging in intense back-and-forth...
Comedian Godfrey recently joined Shannon Sharp on the Shay Shay podcast, delving into the spotlight on black comedy beefs that has emerged in recent...
Comedian DL Hughley has taken aim at sports commentator Stephen A. Smith for his recent remarks suggesting that black people can relate to President...