‘Twilight Zone: The Movie' faced harsh criticism upon its release 40 years ago. Critics described it as flabby and unimpressive, despite being directed by...
In a courtroom testimony on Wednesday, director John Landis admitted to illegally hiring two child actors for the 1982 filming of “Twilight Zone,” which...
Steven Spielberg, the renowned filmmaker, recently reflected on a tragic event that occurred during the production of Twilight Zone: The Movie in 1982. The...
In a heartbreaking revelation, the brother-in-law of beloved comedian Phil Hartman has finally opened up about the star’s untimely death. It has been 20...
Twenty-five years have passed since the tragic and untimely death of beloved actor Phil Hartman, yet his comedic brilliance continues to captivate audiences. On...
Another man has come forward, accusing actor John Travolta of engaging in s**ual misconduct. Let's go over the previous accusations briefly before delving into...
John Travolta is facing a federal lawsuit from two massage therapists who accuse him of assault and s**ual battery. The lawsuit includes graphic details...
In a surprising turn of events, rapper Snoop Doggy Dogg and his bodyguard, McKinley Lee, were acquitted of first- and second-degree murder charges in...