Margot Robbie, known for her roles in various films including Greta Gerwig's Barbie movie, recently shared a rather amusing yet slightly disturbing story during...
Angelina Jolie reportedly confronted Marion Cotillard, Brad Pitt's co-star in the film “Allied,” after becoming convinced that they were having an affair. The actress...
Ashley Judd recently opened up about the life-threatening accident she endured in the Congo rainforest last year, describing it as “catastrophic.” During a conversation...
Ashley Judd, the renowned actress and humanitarian, recently opened up about the severity of her traumatic accident in the Congo and how fortunate she...
Controversial and scandalous references to homosexuality in James Jones's 1951 novel “From Here to Eternity” have been uncovered in an uncensored version of the...
Investigations by the FBI have revealed that Burt Lancaster, the Academy Award-winning actor known for his roles in “From Here to Eternity” and other...
Actress Katharine Ross has taken legal action against her daughter, Cleo Rose Elliott, after an alleged incident where Cleo stabbed her mother with scissors....
Oscar-winning actor Joe Pesci is currently under investigation by the police following allegations that he punched a fan in the mouth. The incident reportedly...
Joe Pesci and Ray Romano, well-known actors, demonstrated their commitment to their roles in the upcoming Martin Scorsese mob drama, “The Irishman.” The crime...
In a candid interview, Ben Affleck shared his thoughts on his past marriage with Jennifer Garner. The 49-year-old actor and director appeared on The...
Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck's recent wedding has solidified their 20-year love story as one of the most enduring romances in Hollywood history. The...
In a recent interview with Vanity Fair, actress Jennifer Garner confirmed the rumors surrounding her estranged husband Ben Affleck's involvement with their former nanny....