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Britney Spears Wants to Remove IUD and Have a Baby, but Conservatorship Stands in the Way

In a groundbreaking testimony during her conservatorship case, expressed her desire to end the arrangement and revealed the trauma it has caused her.

She also stated her wish to have a baby, but her conservators are preventing her from removing her intrauterine device (IUD).

Speaking in a Los Angeles court, Spears shared that she longs to get married and start a family.

However, her conservators refuse to allow her to visit a doctor and have her IUD removed, as they do not want her to have children.

The conservatorship, which grants control over Spears' estate, financial assets, and certain personal assets to her father and the Bessemer Trust, has been a source of distress for the singer.

She emphasized that it has done her more harm than good and asserted her right to live her own life.

Intrauterine devices, commonly known as IUDs, are highly effective forms of contraception that require professional medical intervention for insertion or removal.

During the hearing, Spears described herself as “traumatized” and formally requested an end to the conservatorship.

The judge explained that to terminate the arrangement, Spears and her legal team would need to file a petition with the court.

In defense of his actions, Jamie Spears, Britney's father, admitted he is not a perfect parent but claimed that everything he did was in his daughter's best interest.

His lawyer, Vivian Lee Thoreen, told CNN that Jamie “would love nothing more than to see Britney not need a conservatorship.”

Throughout the proceedings, Spears made references to her boyfriend, Sam Asghari, revealing that he is prohibited from driving her due to the constraints of the conservatorship.

Asghari, a personal trainer, showed his support for Spears by sharing a photo of himself wearing a “Free Britney” T-shirt prior to the hearing.

This gesture aligns with the #FreeBritney movement, which advocates for the termination of her conservatorship.

Asghari had previously criticized the arrangement in February, expressing his frustration with someone's attempt to control their relationship and constantly create obstacles.

The release of The New York Times' documentary, “Framing ,” in February brought renewed attention to her court-ordered conservatorship.

The film shed light on Spears' desire to remove her father from the arrangement entirely.

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