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Hollywood news

Carole Lombard and Clark Gable’s Serene Life in Encino Before Tragic Demise at 33

Carole Lombard and , the iconic Hollywood couple, embarked on a peaceful journey in Encino, California, following their marriage in 1939.

Acquiring a 20-acre ranch in the sparsely populated area, the couple made it their own by overseeing renovations that resulted in warm, unassuming rooms adorned with pine paneling, comfortable furniture, and vibrant, cheerful colors.

Although Carole and Clark initially met on the set of “No Man of Her Own” in 1932, their romantic connection didn't ignite until they danced together at a ball four years later.

They were opposites in many ways, with Carole exuding boldness and exuberance while Clark exuded calmness and composure.

However, their path to marriage was complicated by Clark's second wife, who was reluctant to let him go.

It is rumored that Clark agreed to take on the role of Rhett Butler in “Gone With the Wind” to finance the divorce.

Once settled in their Encino ranch, Carole and Clark affectionately referred to each other as “Ma” and “Pa.” They often embarked on hunting and fishing expeditions, with Clark tending to his beloved old cars and farm work, and Carole eagerly lending a hand.

Michelle Morgan, author of “Carole Lombard: Twentieth-Century Star,” comments, “They lived a peaceful life.

Clark would engage in his hobbies, and Carole found contentment in assisting him.”

Their life together, though not without its imperfections, was marred by Carole's longing to have children.

However, the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 instilled in the patriotic actress a heightened sense of purpose.

Carole urged Clark to become the head of the Hollywood Victory Committee, and she herself contributed to the war effort by embarking on a fundraising tour of her native Indiana.

Tragedy struck on January 16, 1942, when Clark planned a surprise party to welcome Carole home.


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