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Colin Farrell Opens Up About Filming Love Scene With Kate Beckinsale

Colin Farrell recently shared his experience of filming a romantic scene with Kate Beckinsale, admitting that it posed some challenges due to the presence of her husband, who was directing the scene.

In the Total Recall remake directed by Len Wiseman, Colin portrays the character of Douglas Quaid, while Kate, who is married to Wiseman, plays his love interest in the movie.

The actor disclosed to The Telegraph that kissing Kate during the scene was a delicate situation as he felt uncomfortable being intimate with another man's wife in front of her husband, who was overseeing the production.

Describing the day of shooting as one of his most uneasy moments on a film set, Colin expressed relief that their on-screen intimacy did not progress further as scripted, saying, “Kissing her was a bit tricky because you don't kiss another man's woman when he's looking.”

He also mentioned sensing a level of tension in Wiseman's voice when he called for a break during the scene, indicating a hint of concern despite Len's professionalism.

Regarding his apprehensions about stepping into 's shoes for the iconic role, Colin admitted to initial doubts but found solace in the distinctiveness of the character he was portraying in the remake.

Although the characters share a common storyline and face similar challenges, Colin highlighted the differences between the roles, allowing him

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