In a shocking revelation, Bobbi Brown, the former partner of late Warrant singer Jani Lane, has unveiled a distressing incident of s–ual assault that Lane endured before their marriage.
Brown disclosed in her latest book, “Dirty Rocker Boys,” that Lane was allegedly drugged and raped by a prominent rock star, a trauma he faced silently before his tragic passing at the age of 47 due to alcohol intoxication in 2011.
According to Brown, Lane confided in her about the harrowing assault that occurred prior to their matrimony and the birth of their daughter, Taylor.
Recalling the moment Lane disclosed the ordeal to her, Brown expressed her devastation, emphasizing the profound impact it had on his life.
She shared in an interview with Fox News how witnessing Lane’s vulnerability and the weight of the incident was deeply distressing for both of them.
The couple’s paths crossed on the set of the iconic “Cherry Pie” music video, leading to a two-year marriage that ended in divorce in 1993.
Brown believed that the trauma of the assault lingered with Lane throughout his music career and later years.
Reflecting on the situation, she lamented that Lane did not live long enough to witness the rise of the #MeToo movement, which could have potentially provided him with a platform to address his past suffering.
Brown highlighted the emasculating and humiliating nature of the assault, underscoring the internalized shame that prevented Lane from speaking out.
She described how societal expectations of masculinity hindered Lane from seeking help or sharing his anguish, leaving him to grapple with unresolved anger and pain.
The inability to confront the trauma openly contributed to Lane’s struggles, including his battles with alcoholism.
Throughout their relationship, Brown witnessed the internal turmoil Lane faced, grappling with the conflict between societal norms dictating stoicism and the emotional turmoil he carried within.
She expressed a sense of helplessness for Lane, recognizing the profound impact of societal constructs on his ability to address his trauma openly.
Brown revealed how Lane’s silence perpetuated a cycle of suffering, ultimately contributing to his struggles and coping mechanisms.
The enduring effects of the assault weighed heavily on Lane, influencing his behavior and contributing to his reliance on alcohol as a coping mechanism.
Brown painted a poignant picture of Lane’s inner turmoil, highlighting the destructive impact of suppressing one’s emotions and trauma.
She emphasized the insidious nature of societal expectations that silenced Lane and hindered his healing process, ultimately shaping his life trajectory and decisions.
In retrospect, Brown acknowledged the complexity of Lane’s experience, recognizing the intersection of personal trauma and societal pressures that shaped his response to the assault.
She lamented the societal barriers that prevented Lane from seeking help and sharing his pain openly