Rock legends David Bowie and Mick Jagger caught in bed together?
You won't believe it!
In a recent episode of “The Joan Rivers Show,” Angela Bowie, the former wife of the iconic rocker, made a shocking revelation.
She disclosed that she once walked in on Bowie and Jagger, completely nude, engaging in a liaison.
This was just one of many encounters Bowie had with male partners over the years.
During the show, which aired this morning on Channel 2, Angela finally broke her silence about her time with the rock star.
She opened up about catching Bowie with men on multiple occasions, including the memorable incident with Jagger.
For years, Angela had been under a gag order as part of her divorce agreement with Bowie, which took place on February 8, 1980.
As part of the settlement, she received $700,000 paid out over a decade.
However, this order expired on April 1, prompting Angela to reach out to the producers of “The Joan Rivers Show” for an opportunity to share her revelations from her years with the music sensation, known for his concerts, films, and Broadway performance in “The Elephant Man.”
Initially, Angela hesitated to disclose any details, leading Rivers to abruptly take her off the air.
However, after some banter with her next guest, DJ Howard Stern, Angela had a change of heart.
She returned to the studio, encouraged by Stern, and spilled all the secrets.
Jeff Erdel, a spokesperson for Rivers, who witnessed the backstage commotion, commented on the sudden change of heart.
He said, “Evidently, she had a change of heart.
Angela heard their banter, jumped right from her chair and headed back into the studio and blurted out everything.”
The studio audience was left in awe as Angela revealed that she did not intervene in the encounters between Bowie and Jagger.
She humorously mentioned that while she cared, there wasn't much she could do about it but make breakfast.
Angela's remarks sparked laughter when she speculated that perhaps Bowie and Jagger were composing “Angie” while engaging in their escapades.
The song “Angie,” released in 1973, was a chart-topping hit that is widely believed to be about the affair between Jagger and Bowie's wife.
Bowie's bisexuality has never been a secret, as he openly declared it in a 1972 issue of the British music magazine Melodymaker.
However, in recent interviews, he has chosen not to discuss the topic.
It is well-known that Bowie and Jagger collaborated creatively in 1985, producing the popular song and music video “Dancing in the Streets.”
The question remains: Why did Angela Bowie decide to reveal these intimate details now?
One theory suggests that since she has received her full $700,000 settlement, she may be seeking new sources of income.