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Demi Moore’s Revelations on Ashton Kutcher’s Humiliation Tactics

This revelation is part of her candid narrative in the new autobiography titled Inside Out, where she delves into her struggles with addiction and alcoholism.

After maintaining sobriety for two decades, Demi faced a challenging period when she experienced a miscarriage six months into her pregnancy with Ashton.

The tragic loss led her into a downward spiral of depression, prompting her to resort to alcohol and prescription drugs as coping mechanisms.

In her memoir, Demi reflects on her desire to fit into a carefree lifestyle that included social drinking, influenced by Ashton's apparent preferences.

She confesses, “I yearned to embody that image—a woman who could enjoy a glass of wine with dinner or participate in tequila shots at gatherings.

I believed Ashton desired that too, so I attempted to transform into that person: a relaxed, ordinary woman.”

However, as a recovering alcoholic, Demi struggled to discern her boundaries and found herself unable to moderate her alcohol consumption.

She expressed, “When you lack a mechanism to halt your actions, you continue until exhaustion sets in.”

One poignant incident recounted in her autobiography occurred during a birthday celebration where Demi and Ashton, along with friends, indulged in tequila shots that culminated in a drunken episode in a hot tub.

Demi recollects, “I began losing consciousness and slipping underwater.

Were it not for the presence of others, I might have drowned,” highlighting the severity of the situation.

In a vulnerable moment, Demi recalls Ashton's reaction to her intoxicated state, describing his demeanor as ‘furious'.

He assisted her to their bedroom after the incident, but the aftermath revealed a disturbing aspect of their relationship dynamic.

Demi shares, “It was a perplexing experience.

Ashton had tacitly endorsed my behavior.

However, when it crossed a line, he conveyed his disapproval by displaying a photograph he had taken of me resting my head on the toilet from the previous night, ostensibly meant as a jest but ultimately served as a form of public shaming.”

While Demi's battle with sobriety was mostly private, a notorious incident in 2009 brought her struggles into the limelight.

Ashton garnered controversy by sharing a picture of her posterior on social media during their vacation in the Turks and Caicos Islands, coinciding with attending her ex-husband 's wedding to Emma Heming.

Addressing the backlash, Ashton defended his actions by stating, “Let's dial it back a notch.

It was a bikini, not undergarments, which may have caused confusion.

She was ironing my pants while clad in a bikini on the beach.

I captured the moment and sought her consent before posting it online.

It was swiftly shared.

It's a flattering image—it's truly commendable.

And the public responded positively to it.”

's autobiography, Inside Out, offers an intimate glimpse into her tumultuous experiences and sheds light on the complexities of her relationships, paving the way for a deeper understanding of her personal journey.

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