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Jackie Chan’s Daughter: A Complicated Relationship

Beloved Hollywood actor faced a major scandal over 20 years ago when details of his affair came to light.

This scandal was quickly followed by reports that the Rush Hour star would disown his daughter, who was born out of wedlock.

As one of the most popular action movie stars of all time, there is much to celebrate about .

However, his relationship with his estranged daughter casts a painful shadow over his legacy.

Jackie Chan's only daughter, Etta Ng Chok Lam, was born on January 18, 1999.

However, the actor did not publicly acknowledge her as his own child.

Etta, now 24, is the daughter of Jackie Chan and Elaine Ng Chok Lam, an actress and beauty queen from Hong Kong.

The birth of Etta caused a media scandal due to the revelation of Jackie Chan's extra-marital affair with Elaine Ng Chok Lam.

At the time, Chan was married to Taiwanese actress Joan Lin, with whom he is still married.

Chan and Lin have a son together named Jaycee Chan.

Jackie Chan has been reluctant to discuss his daughter in public, but Etta has been open about her father's absence in her life.

Educated in Switzerland, Etta had no relationship with her father during her early years.

She has expressed her lack of feelings for him, stating, “He is not my dad.

I have no feelings for him.

He is my biological father but not a part of my life.”

Growing up watching her father's films, Etta and her peers were well aware of her parentage.

However, this did not motivate her to connect with her father.

Etta candidly admitted, “He never existed in my life.

I would not say that he is my dad.

I would say, ‘Oh, Jackie Chan, an actor.'”

In recent years, both Jackie Chan and Etta Ng have spoken about their relationship.

Contrary to rumors, Jackie Chan did not disown his daughter for coming out as part of the LGBTQ+ community.

When asked about Etta's s**ual orientation while promoting his film The Foreigner, Chan simply responded, “If she likes it, that's fine.”

During the promotion of Police Story: Lockdown 10 years ago, Jackie Chan made heartbreaking revelations about his relationship with his estranged daughter.

Reflecting on a scene in the movie where his character's daughter walked away from him, Chan admitted that “the story touched a part of me, especially during the crying scenes.”

He confessed to neglecting Etta for a long time.

Interestingly, Jackie Chan has portrayed similar scenes in his upcoming film Ride On (2023), where his character loses custody of his on-screen daughter.

This has sparked curiosity about the parallels between his on-screen and real-life relationships.

Etta Ng has also spoken about her struggles growing up in recent years, particularly regarding her relationship with her mother.

In April 2018, Etta and her then-girlfriend Andi Autumn posted a video on YouTube claiming they were homeless due to lack of support from their friends and family.

They alleged that they had slept under a bridge and sought help from various institutions but received little assistance.

However, Etta's mother, Elaine, denied these claims and suggested that Etta should find work instead of relying on her father's fame for financial support.

The complex relationship between Jackie Chan and his daughter continues to be a topic of interest and speculation.

Despite their estrangement, both parties have expressed their perspectives on the matter, shedding light on the challenges they have faced.

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