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Jackie Kennedy Disappointed by Warren Beatty’s Bedroom Skills, Claims New Book

Former first lady Jackie Kennedy was reportedly unimpressed by the bedroom skills of Hollywood heartthrob during their brief fling in 1978.

This revelation comes from J. Randy Taraborrelli's new book, “Jackie: Public, Private, Secret,” which is based on extensive research and interviews with friends, family, and lovers.

According to the book, Kennedy, who was a book editor for Doubleday at the time, had her eyes on Beatty, who was a sought-after star known for his relationships with numerous female stars.

Taraborrelli's book also reveals that Beatty once expressed interest in playing President John F. Kennedy in the 1963 film “PT 109,” but the role ultimately went to Cliff Robertson.

By the time Kennedy and Beatty crossed paths, he was already famous and had a reputation for being self-absorbed.

Although Kennedy found him interesting initially, she quickly grew tired of his constant focus on himself and his career.

According to the book, Kennedy only found their dates enjoyable if they ended in s**, but even that lost its appeal after a few times.

When asked about Beatty's bedroom skills, Kennedy allegedly replied, “Men can only do so much, anyway.”

She expressed that if they had met earlier in life, she might have had more fun, but at that point, she had other priorities and s** wasn't one of them.

Taraborrelli claims that Beatty also faced disappointment in the relationship, as he expected Kennedy to be more exciting and glamorous like the queen of Camelot.

Instead, he found her to be more like a suburban mom, caring mainly about her children and her job.

The relationship ultimately ended when Beatty showed up uninvited to Kennedy's holiday party and mentioned to her stepbrother that they were sleeping together.

This wasn't the only disappointment Kennedy faced with a major star.

In 1988, her son John Jr. began dating , which reportedly caused tension between mother and son.

Kennedy disapproved of the relationship because was married to at the time and she had a strong aversion to infidelity due to her mother's experience.

Kennedy also thought Madonna wasn't very smart, comparing her to the late .

Despite her disapproval, Kennedy attended one of Madonna's Broadway performances in hopes of understanding her son's choice better.

However, she refused to go backstage and meet Madonna, stating that she didn't want to give her the opportunity to promote a relationship between them.

The relationship between John Jr. and Madonna ended after six months, and Madonna's marriage to Penn was finalized in 1989.

In conclusion, Jackie Kennedy's fling with left her underwhelmed, and her disapproval of her son's relationship with Madonna showcased her strong values and standards.

These relationships may not have worked out, but they provide a glimpse into the personal life of one of America's most iconic figures.

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