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Jerry Lee Lewis: The Controversial Marriage of a Rock ‘n’ Roll Legend

, the renowned rock ‘n' roll musician, made headlines when he married his 13-year-old cousin, Myra Gale Brown.

Despite warnings not to bring her along on his British tour in May 1958, Lewis disregarded the advice.

To Lewis, it seemed like a simple decision to have his wife accompany him on the road.

However, others saw multiple issues with their union.

Firstly, Myra had been only 13 years old when they tied the knot on December 12, 1957.

Secondly, she was not only his cousin but also the daughter of his bassist, J.W.


Moreover, this marriage took place before Lewis' second divorce had been finalized, and his second marriage had also occurred before his previous one was terminated.

Lewis and his entourage arrived at London's Heathrow Airport as one of the first American stars to make the journey.

Expectations were high, as had recently joined the Army, leaving the path clear for Lewis to claim the rock ‘n' roll crown.

However, all hopes were shattered when British journalist Ray Berry approached Myra and asked, “Who are you?”

Without any guidance on how to handle the press, Myra honestly replied that she was ' wife.

Within days, the British tour was canceled, and Lewis found himself performing for a meager $250 in bars and clubs, a significant drop from the $10,000 he had been earning before the scandal.

Radio stations stopped playing his songs, former friends distanced themselves, and Myra was forever associated with the label of “Jerry Lee Lewis's child bride.”

It took Lewis a decade to rebuild his career.

Although he enjoyed some rock ‘n' roll successes, his commercial breakthrough came in 1968 when he transitioned into a country artist.

Despite his bewildered state about what he had done wrong, the fact that Myra was initially believed to be 15 instead of 13 indicates that someone, somewhere recognized the problem.

Lewis defended his actions by remarking to a reporter, “I plumb married the girl, didn't I?”

He believed that moving in with Myra's parents and holding a second marriage ceremony to clear up any doubts further substantiated the legitimacy of their union.

In 1959, even , who voiced support for the marriage as long as the couple was genuinely in love, was dating 14-year-old Priscilla.

Although the marriage ended in 1970, Lewis and Myra maintained contact.

Interestingly, Lewis' seventh wife was previously married to Myra's brother.

Together, Lewis and Myra had two children: Phoebe and Steve, who tragically passed away at the age of three.

In a 2014 interview, Myra, then 70, shared her philosophical outlook on the events that unfolded.

She expressed frustration that nobody had informed her about how to handle the press, which led to her unwittingly revealing the truth about their relationship.

Myra claimed that all of Jerry's managers warned him against taking her to England due to the British press's tendency to scrutinize Americans.

She believed that if she had been given proper guidance, she could have prevented the scandal by simply stating that she was J.W.

Brown's daughter.

According to Myra, the tour cancellation was not solely a response to the tabloid headlines but also due to the British police expressing concerns about the band's safety amidst the passionate fans.

In 1958, Myra had told a reporter that a girl could marry at the age of 10 if she found a willing man.

In the same interview, she emphasized that she couldn't understand why people failed to see her as a grown woman.

Despite being only 13, she believed she was more mature than Jerry Lee Lewis.

Myra revealed that her parents had another child because she desperately wanted a baby to care for.

She gladly assumed the role of her younger brother's second mother.

Lewis experienced a resurgence in the '80s, ultimately being inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame at its inaugural event in 1986.

He instigated the end-of-show jam that has become a tradition at the ceremony.

Additionally, the 1989 film “Great Balls of Fire,” based on Myra's book about their life together, helped restore his reputation.

Reflecting on the past, Myra acknowledged the changes in societal norms and mindsets over the last 50 years.

While she admitted that if confronted with a 13-year-old girl wanting to marry today, she would advise against it, she emphasized that it was a different world back then.

She urged young girls to pursue education and explore their options before making such life-altering decisions.

Their daughter Phoebe served as Lewis' business manager from 2000 to 2012, but their partnership ended acrimoniously with lawsuits filed in 2017.

Nevertheless, Lewis remained steadfast in his belief that he had done nothing to be ashamed of.

Unlike others, he claimed he didn't keep a woman by his side for years and only marry her when she became pregnant.

Lewis proudly declared, “I married my girls.”

Despite the controversy surrounding his marriage to Myra, Jerry Lee Lewis left an indelible mark on the music industry as one of the greatest rock ‘n' roll artists of all time.

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