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Jim Carrey Faces Backlash for Controversial Comment Towards Margot Robbie

During her appearance on The Graham Norton Show, found herself at the receiving end of a rather uncomfortable and controversial “joke” from .

The actress, who was promoting her superhero movie Birds of Prey, was subjected to Carrey's remarks that insinuated her success was solely based on her physical appearance rather than her talent.

Carrey, while looking at Robbie, remarked, “You're really something, .

It's incredible you got as far as you have with your obvious physical disadvantages.

That's pure talent there – just a talent override.”

This comment sparked criticism from viewers who labeled Carrey as “condescending” and “creepy” towards Robbie, who boasts two Oscar nominations and five BAFTA nominations in her career.

On social media, many viewers expressed their discomfort with Carrey's comments and commended Robbie for handling the situation with grace and composure.

Some Twitter users described Carrey's behavior as “part letch part neg part condescending from man lit twice her age.”

Despite some dismissing Carrey's remarks as harmless “banter,” questions were raised about whether Carrey would have made a similar joke if he were seated next to a male actor like .

The incident is particularly disappointing considering Robbie has faced similar sexist treatment in the past within the entertainment industry.

In a Vanity Fair profile in 2016, Robbie was subjected to reductive comments that objectified her appearance.

The profile described her as tall only with the help of certain shoes and reduced her to being s**y only when in character.

Robbie has been vocal about taking control of her career, producing films like I, Tonya and going undercover on Conservative Twitter for her role in Bombshell.

Robbie's dedication to her craft and her ability to take charge of her career have been evident in her diverse roles, leading to critical acclaim and accolades.

Despite the challenges she has faced, Robbie continues to shine in the industry, earning her second Oscar nomination for her role in Bombshell and garnering anticipation for Birds of Prey, set to release on 7th February.

As Robbie gears up for the BAFTA Film Awards where she is nominated for two awards, her resilience and talent continue to be recognized in the face of unwarranted commentary and scrutiny.

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