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Lindsay Lohan: The Story of How $30 Million Slipped Away

, once a highly successful actress with a net worth of $30 million, has found herself in dire financial straits.

The Mean Girls star, who was recently ordered to undergo three months of rehab, has been living beyond her means for the past three years, squandering her fortune on various expenses such as hotel bills, rehab costs, and legal fees.

According to Lohan's probation report, she claims that she can no longer afford to pay for her treatment program and needs to work.

This comes as no surprise, as Forbes magazine reported in 2007 that the actress had only earned $3.5 million that year.

During her reckless spending spree, Lohan reportedly blew $7.5 million in one year alone.

This included extravagant expenses such as a $1 million hotel bill at LA's Chateau Marmont (where she resided from 2005-2006), $350,000 on luxury cars, $1 million on clothes, $70,000 on tanning and hairstyling, and over $500,000 on partying.

Reflecting on her past actions, Lohan admitted, “I was 18, 19, with a ton of money, and no one was really there to tell me that I couldn't do certain things… And I see where that's gotten me now, and I don't like it.”

Realizing the gravity of her situation, Lohan sought help from ' financial manager, Lou Taylor, in September.

However, according to Dr. Lee Sadja, who treated Lohan during her time at the Betty Ford Clinic, the actress must prioritize her health before she can turn her financial situation around.

He stated in her probation report, “There was some denial regarding her drug addiction… [Lohan] needs to continue working on her issues in order to save her life.”

To read the full story on , grab a copy of this week's WHO magazine,

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