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Marilyn Monroe’s Alleged Abortion and Depression Over Affairs with JFK and RFK

A new biography about suggests that the iconic Hollywood s** symbol may have terminated a pregnancy conceived with either then-President John F. Kennedy or his brother, Robert Kennedy, just weeks before her death from a drug overdose.

According to the book Norma Jean: The Life of by Fred Lawrence Guiles, Monroe was depressed over the fact that would not leave his wife, Ethel, for her in the days leading up to her death.

The claims were made in an excerpt of the book published on Saturday by The Daily Beast.

The book is set to be released on Tuesday.

Monroe allegedly had an abortion on July 20, 1962, at Cedars of Lebanon Hospital in Los Angeles.

This occurred just weeks after her encounters with both John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy.

However, it is impossible to determine for certain whether Monroe was carrying a child from one of the Kennedys since she was also involved with other men during that time.

Days before her death on August 4, Monroe made a phone call to Robert Kennedy, whom she had reportedly become infatuated with.

It is unclear whether she informed him about the abortion.

Monroe's emotional distress led her to seek daily psychiatric sessions with Dr. Ralph Greenson during that summer.

Shortly before her death, Monroe went out to dinner with her secretary and press agent, Pat Newcomb, and actor Peter Lawford, who was the brother-in-law of both and RFK.

, accompanied by his wife and children, was reportedly present at the dinner as well.

Monroe sensed that she was being ignored by the attorney general and became edgy.

She believed that Bobby was somehow available to her, but the Kennedy family made it clear that they did not support their relationship.

This may explain her ill temper that evening.

Bobby Kennedy made sure to document in a Justice Department memo that he and his family were in Gilroy, California, and later in San Francisco, thus establishing an alibi for the night Monroe died in Los Angeles.

Monroe was found dead at the age of 36 from an overdose of barbiturate pills.

While her death was officially ruled as “probably suicide,” conspiracy theories linking the Kennedys to her demise have persisted over the years.

In 2017, declassified documents revealed that the FBI investigated a tip about Bobby Kennedy's relationship with Monroe and potential Kennedy involvement in her death.

Monroe's biographer, James Spada, believes that the Kennedys were not responsible for her death.

However, he acknowledges that she had s**ual relationships with both Bobby and Jack Kennedy.

It was rumored that on the night of Monroe's death, hidden microphones recorded an argument between Bobby Kennedy, Peter Lawford, and Monroe.

Conspiracy theories suggest that Bobby may have had Monroe killed to prevent her from revealing details about their affair, which could have damaged both his and 's political careers.

Spada believes that there was a Kennedy-linked cover-up to protect the brothers' affairs with Monroe.

However, he disputes the idea that the Kennedys murdered her.

Monroe's second husband, , blamed the Kennedys for her death, calling them “lady-killers.”

He believed that they would always get away with it.

DiMaggio claimed that Monroe had told him someone would harm her but he kept quiet to avoid starting a revolution.

He later said, “They did in my poor Marilyn.

She didn't know what hit her.”

While DiMaggio's comments can be interpreted as implying the Kennedys' involvement in her death, it is more likely that he believed their influence was detrimental to her mental and emotional well-being.

Overall, the new biography sheds light on Monroe's alleged abortion and her emotional state during her affairs with JFK and RFK.

The book raises questions about the extent of Monroe's relationships with the Kennedy brothers and the circumstances surrounding her tragic death.

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