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Marlon Brando’s Alleged Relationships: Quincy Jones Claims Brando Had s** with Richard Pryor and Marvin Gaye

Legendary music producer made shocking allegations in a recent interview, claiming that the late engaged in s**ual relationships with both men and women.

Jones shared stories about various celebrities, including Ivanka Trump and Elon Musk, but it was his revelations about Brando's dating habits that caught attention.

According to Jones, Brando had a charming personality and would engage in s**ual encounters with anyone.

He allegedly had no boundaries and would even have s** with inanimate objects like mailboxes.

Jones specifically mentioned that Brando had relationships with notable figures such as James Baldwin, , and .

Jennifer Lee, 's widow, confirmed the story to TMZ.

She acknowledged that during the 1970s, when Pryor and Brando were active in the entertainment industry, drug use was prevalent.

She explained that drugs like quaaludes were popular, and under their influence, people engaged in unconventional s**ual experiences.

Lee also revealed that Pryor's bisexuality was well-known among his close friends but never publicly acknowledged.

She stated that her late husband's s**ual escapades were documented in diaries, which she plans to publish later this year.

Brando, a Hollywood icon, was known for his numerous romantic relationships, resulting in eight biological children and three adoptions.

In 1976, he openly discussed his sexuality, stating that he had homosexual experiences and was not ashamed.

He dismissed rumors of a romantic relationship with actor , finding them amusing.

Although frequent rumors circulated about Brando's friendship with Wally Cox, two of Brando's wives maintained that their connection was purely platonic.

The revelations made by shed light on the complex and diverse relationships that existed within the entertainment industry.

It highlights the fluidity of sexuality and challenges societal norms surrounding s**ual orientation.

While these alleged relationships may have occurred decades ago, they serve as a reminder that love and attraction transcend conventional boundaries.

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