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Michael Jackson’s Emotional Encounter with Marlon Brando: Unveiling Shocking Allegations

In a captivating new podcast, it has been revealed that once brought to tears when he confronted him about s**ual abuse allegations.

The legendary screen icon, who maintained a close friendship with Jackson, was interviewed by prosecutors in 1994 during an investigation into claims of child molestation against the pop star.

Brando recounted a conversation he had with Jackson at his Neverland Ranch, where he asked the singer if he was a virgin.

Jackson, feeling uneasy about discussing his s** life, responded with laughter and giggles.

The “f-word” seemed to make him uncomfortable, further highlighting his hesitancy.

Undeterred, Brando pressed on with probing questions about the child abuse allegations.

This relentless line of questioning eventually caused Jackson to break down in tears and admit that he despised his father.

Brando interpreted Jackson's evasive behavior as a sign of fear, believing that the singer was reluctant to respond because he was scared of the truth.

The details of Brando's conversation were unveiled in the podcast series Telephone Stories: The Trials of .

Creator-producer Brandon Ogborn obtained a transcript of a sworn statement and verified its authenticity with Los Angeles Superior Court judge Lauren Weis, who had previously investigated Jackson during her lengthy tenure as a prosecutor with the LA County district attorney.

Ogborn described the transcript as a delicate matter, acknowledging that Brando's remarks could potentially spark controversy in today's cancel culture.

He emphasized the significance of Brando's claims, noting that both he and Jackson were perceived as eccentric individuals in a peculiar world.

To Ogborn, Brando's understanding of Jackson's idiosyncrasies adds weight to his statements.

It is worth noting that although Jackson was not charged with molestation in 1994, he faced a trial in 2005, ultimately being acquitted on all counts.

However, the release of the 2019 documentary Leaving Neverland shed new light on the situation.

The film features extensive s**ual abuse allegations against Jackson from Wade Robson and James Safechuck, both now in their 30s.

These individuals separately claim that Jackson molested them during their childhood in the 1990s

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