Salma Hayek recently shared a candid account of the challenging experience she faced while shooting a love scene for her breakout movie, Desperado. During...
During a recent episode of the Drama Queens podcast on Monday, August 9, the 39-year-old actress reminisced about shooting one of her initial intimate...
In a surprising revelation, Jason Segel overlooked a crucial detail when discussing his role in the 2008 film “Forgetting Sarah Marshall” with his mother....
Jason Segel recently revealed in an interview that his mother, Jillian Jordan, was upset by his full-frontal n^dty scene in the movie Forgetting Sarah...
Jason Segel, the renowned actor, recently shared a revealing anecdote about his experience filming the comedy hit ‘Forgetting Sarah Marshall.' In an interview with...
While Clarke gained popularity through HBO's Game of Thrones, she declined the role in the Jamie Dornan-led film due to concerns about being typecast....
In a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Emilia Clarke, known for her role as Daenerys Targaryen in Game of Thrones, discussed her decision...
Actress Emilia Clarke, known for her role in Game of Thrones, recently shared her experiences of feeling pressured into performing n^de scenes to cater...
In a recent appearance on Dax Shepard's Armchair Expert podcast, Emilia Clarke, known for her role in Game of Thrones, discussed the difficulties she...
Charles Manson, the infamous convicted serial killer, has divulged details about his personal life, including his sexuality, as he prepares for his upcoming third...