Quincy Jones, the renowned music producer, divulged intriguing revelations in a recent expansive interview. Amongst the various anecdotes he shared, Jones shed light on...
Marlon Brando's diverse s–ual partners throughout his life, which included both men and women, have been well-documented. Several biographies released after his passing have...
Marlon Brando's Colorful Persona: A Revealing Look into the Actor's Personal Life A new biography, ‘The Contender: The Story Of Marlon Brando' penned by...
The highly anticipated auction of an alleged intimate recording involving Marilyn Monroe, former US President John F. Kennedy, and his brother Robert F. Kennedy...
In a shocking revelation, a former Hollywood bodyguard turned collector has disclosed that an intimate video purportedly featuring former President John F. Kennedy, his...
Mike Tyson Facing New Allegations of s–ual Assault A recent lawsuit filed in Albany County Court has brought forth accusations against Mike Tyson, claiming...
Julien’s Auctions stands behind the authenticity of all items listed in their catalog or online, as outlined in their Terms of Guarantee. Each property...
Celebrities are just like regular folks, except when they get into trouble, it becomes headline news. Hollywood icon Al Pacino recently found himself in...
Among the recently disclosed JFK files, a letter has surfaced cautioning Robert F. Kennedy about an upcoming book that would allege his involvement in...
In the year 1964, the FBI sent a notification to then-Attorney General Robert “Bobby” Kennedy regarding an upcoming book that claimed to disclose his...
The ongoing debate centers around Mark Wahlberg's plea to the Massachusetts Board of Pardons seeking forgiveness for a 1988 incident where, at 16 years...