Former Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, has found herself embroiled in a storm of controversy following a startling incident at the Bob Marley movie...
New revelations have emerged, suggesting that Archie and Prince George share a godfather in Hugh Grosvenor, a close friend of both Prince William and...
A recent investigation by BuzzFeed News has shed light on the bizarre and long-standing belief that the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, fabricated her...
Amidst the royal turmoil, Princes Harry and Andrew are facing potential changes to their significant roles following Charles' ascension to the throne. Despite no...
Meghan Markle reportedly expressed dissatisfaction with the royal family's handling of concerns related to racism. This development followed the Duchess of Sussex sending official...
Lady Colin Campbell, a prominent figure in royal circles, has recently shared her candid views on the ongoing saga surrounding Prince Harry and Meghan...
** Former friends of Prince Harry are expressing concerns about his recent behavior, noting a significant departure from his past self. They highlight his...
In a recent announcement, it has been revealed that despite the Duke and Duchess of Sussex relinquishing their royal duties, their two children, Archie...
The royal family bid a tearful farewell to Queen Elizabeth II as her great-granddaughter, Princess Charlotte, was seen sobbing at the state funeral. The...
Speculation and anticipation swirl around the potential return of Prince Harry to the royal family following the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. Stephen Dixon,...