Bill Wyman, former member of the Rolling Stones, faced backlash in 2019 after a film festival cancelled his appearance due to concerns surrounding his...
James Franco's Troubling Behavior: Are We Finally Paying Attention? Two actresses, Toni Gaal and Sarah Tither-Kaplan, have filed a lawsuit against James Franco, accusing...
James Franco, once hailed as the James Dean of his generation, has experienced a dramatic fall from grace. After earning critical acclaim and accolades...
James Franco Sparks Controversy with Alleged Attempt to Pick Up Teenage Girl James Franco, the renowned 35-year-old actor, found himself at the center of...
Hollywood actor James Franco has admitted to using “bad judgment” after his attempts to seduce a Scottish teenager on Instagram went viral. The Spiderman...
In a recent interview on Stacey King’s podcast, former Chicago Bulls player Scottie Pippen made some controversial remarks about his former teammate and NBA...
In a new book titled “Michael Jordan: The Life” by Roland Lazenby, basketball legend Michael Jordan opens up about his personal struggles with racism...