Will Smith, known for his successful movie career and occasional controversies, finds himself in the spotlight once again. The acclaimed actor, who recently won...
Margot Robbie's Unexpected Audition for “The Wolf of Wall Street” Margot Robbie, a rising star in Hollywood, had the opportunity to work alongside acting...
Australian actress Margot Robbie had a shocking experience during her audition for the movie “Wolf of Wall Street.” The 32-year-old star, known for her...
Margot Robbie recently opened up about her experience working alongside Leonardo DiCaprio for the first time in the film ‘Wolf of Wall Street'. Despite...
Margot Robbie has undoubtedly become one of the most adored and sought-after female actors of our time. Her exceptional portrayal of Harley Quinn in...
The Mysterious Death of Thelma Todd: A Forgotten Hollywood Tragedy Thelma Todd, a renowned Hollywood actress, was discovered deceased on Monday, December 16, 1935....
Patrick Swayze, known for his roles in “Dirty Dancing” and “Ghost,” died just two years after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The sudden nature...
In a new unauthorized biography titled “Star: How Warren Beatty Seduced America,” author Peter Biskind makes the audacious claim that actor Warren Beatty has...
Legendary rocker Gene Simmons has made a shocking revelation as he kickstarts the Kiss farewell tour. The 73-year-old frontman claims that he has slept...