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Olivia Hussey’s Revelation: Assaulted by Ex at Sharon Tate’s Residence

Actress Olivia Hussey has disclosed a harrowing experience of being assaulted by her actor ex-partner in the same residence where fell victim to Charles Manson's ‘family' just a few months earlier.

Hussey, renowned for her role in the 1968 film ‘Romeo and Juliet', alleges that her former boyfriend Christopher Jones viciously attacked her at the notorious Los Angeles dwelling in 1969.

The now 67-year-old actress recounted to People magazine that Jones turned violent shortly after they commenced their relationship in the late 1960s post her portrayal of Juliet on the silver screen.

She narrated, “We were conversing when suddenly his demeanor changed, and he struck me in the abdomen.

Despite my youth, I deeply cared for him and remained devoted.”

Jones, who had recently divorced Susan Strasberg, daughter of the esteemed acting coach Lee Strasberg, was involved with Hussey.

Their relationship ended when she planned to reside in the guesthouse of the residence Tate shared with her spouse before the Manson tragedy unfolded.

The property, owned by Hussey's agent Rudi Altobelli, was intended for the young British actress to assist the pregnant Tate upon the baby's arrival.

Sharing a poignant memory, Hussey revealed, “I informed Sharon about our friendship plans as per Rudi's words.

She eagerly anticipated our meeting, mentioning her imminent motherhood.

She was incredibly kind.”

However, prior to her relocation, Hussey learned of the brutal murders of Tate and four others at the hands of Manson's followers on August 9.

Despite the tragic events, five weeks later, Hussey moved into the residence.

It was then that her ex-partner appeared one night and subjected her to a violent assault.

Recalling the ordeal, Hussey expressed, “I feared for my life as he attacked me aggressively.

My face swelled, I suffered a bloody nose, a split lip, and a black eye.

It was truly terrifying.”

Subsequently, Hussey discovered she was pregnant but made the difficult decision to terminate the pregnancy.

Detailing her poignant story, Hussey shared her experiences in her recent memoir ‘The Girl on the Balcony'.

In reflection of past events, Hussey posted a vintage photo with Jones in 2015, hinting at forthcoming revelations in her book.

Jones had previously claimed an affair with Tate before her demise in 2007, stating his love for her and the circumstances of their relationship.

Devastated by Tate's tragic end, Jones abandoned his acting career soon after.

Hussey, on the other hand, has navigated through three marriages and parenthood with grace.

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