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Orlando Bloom’s Displeasure with Kissing Zoe Saldaña on Screen

On-screen chemistry between co-stars can sometimes be a challenging act to pull off, as kissing scenes can often feel awkward.

Many actors have expressed their discomfort over the years with filming intimate moments, especially when it involves kissing a colleague in front of a crew and cameras.

and Zoe Saldaña, who portrayed romantic leads in the 2004 film Haven, have openly shared their feelings about the unusual experience.

Bloom went so far as to admit that he “hated” kissing Saldaña, while she described it as “gross.”

Saldaña and Bloom initially appeared together in the 2003 movie Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, where they did not have to share any intimate scenes.

However, the following year, they starred as a couple in Haven, a crime drama set in the Cayman Islands.

Despite premiering at the Toronto International Film Festival in 2004, the film was not released in theaters until 2006.

In a 2006 interview with People, Saldaña candidly revealed her distaste for kissing Bloom, labeling the experience as “gross.”

Bloom reciprocated by expressing his dislike for the kissing scenes, mentioning, “I hated kissing Zoe too!

I was like, ‘Take your tongue out of my mouth, please.

Your boyfriend is standing right there.'”

He emphasized that despite common beliefs, kissing beautiful co-stars can still be an uncomfortable ordeal.

During the production of Haven, Saldaña was in a long-term relationship with entrepreneur Keith Britton, whereas Bloom was romantically linked to Kate Bosworth around the same time.

Despite their discomfort with the intimate scenes, Bloom and Saldaña managed to maintain a positive working relationship.

In a joint interview for MovieWeb, Bloom reminisced about the enjoyable experience of working together, describing it as a fun and lighthearted atmosphere on set.

When questioned about filming intimate scenes with Bloom in an interview with, Saldaña highlighted the importance of professionalism and mutual respect on set.

She expressed gratitude for having a supportive co-star like Bloom, who helped ease the challenges of shooting such scenes.

Their prior working relationship from a film earlier in the year facilitated a comfortable dynamic between the two actors.

Years later, in 2014, Bloom and Saldaña briefly reunited at the Golden Globe Awards to present the award for Best Foreign Language Film.

Despite their past unease with kissing scenes, the actors came together for this public appearance, showcasing a cordial and professional rapport.

The event marked a decade since the release of Haven, demonstrating the enduring camaraderie between Bloom and Saldaña.

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