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Pam Grier Reflects on Troubled Relationship with Richard Pryor: Witnessing the Destruction of a Life

Pam Grier, the renowned actress known for her role in “Foxy Brown,” recently opened up about her tumultuous love affair with comedian in the 1970s.

Despite their relationship lasting only a year, Grier, now 73, still vividly remembers the impact it had on her.

Grier revealed in an interview with Fox News that Pryor's drug abuse played a significant role in the downfall of their partnership.

She recounted a particularly harrowing incident in 1980 when Pryor, following a cocaine binge, doused himself in 151 proof rum and set himself on fire.

Suffering from third-degree burns, Pryor found himself in the hospital.

However, Grier chose not to visit him during his time of need.

Surprisingly, Pryor respected her decision.

According to Grier, Pryor had a habit of testing the loyalty and trustworthiness of those around him.

If someone stuck around solely for the fame and fortune, he lost respect for them.

Grier made it clear to Pryor that she did not need his fame or his light, leaving him in no doubt that she required nothing from him.

The end of their relationship was marked by Grier's declaration that she would never speak to Pryor again.

It pained her greatly to say those words, but she felt that Pryor was receiving opportunities in Hollywood that she, as a woman, would never be granted.

Grier struggled to convey to Pryor that he was squandering these incredible chances due to his self-destructive behavior.

Navigating addiction and managing his talent became Pryor's burdens.

Grier found it impossible to put herself in a situation where she witnessed him continuously harming himself and ruining his life.

The love she had for him could not overshadow the harsh reality of his actions.

In her memoir, “Foxy: My Life in Three Acts,” published in 2010, Grier delves even deeper into the intimate details of her relationship with Pryor.

She recounts a visit to her doctor, where she learned about a medical condition caused by a buildup of cocaine residue in her cervix and vag|na.

The doctor raised the possibility that Pryor may have dipped his genitals in cocaine before engaging in s**ual intercourse with Grier.

However, she dismissed this claim, stating that he did not have a pile of cocaine next to their bed for such purposes.

The doctor then posed another theory – whether Pryor was using cocaine before going to sleep.

Grier acknowledged that this could be a possibility.

The doctor's reaction was one of shock and concern.

He explained that if Pryor was not directly applying cocaine to his skin but it was present in his seminal fluid, the situation was even more serious.

During the conversation, the doctor asked Grier if she ever experienced numbness in her mouth during oral s**.

Grier confirmed this, which the doctor attributed to the Novocaine-like effects of cocaine.

Pam Grier's recollection of her relationship with is a testament to the complexities and challenges they faced.

Their story serves as a reminder of the destructive power of addiction and the difficult choices one must make when confronted with such circumstances.

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