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Prince Harry’s Infatuation with Jennifer Aniston Revealed

, now happily married to , may have some competition in the form of Hollywood actress .

Before tying the knot with Markle and becoming a royal through her marriage to 's brother, Harry reportedly considered Aniston as princess material.

The revelation of 's past crush on 's ex-wife has stirred up quite a buzz recently.

According to U.S. writer Ian Halperin, Prince Harry was enamored with for years, believing she possessed all the qualities of a princess.

Halperin claimed that during his visits to Los Angeles, Harry indulged in heavy partying with models and even managed to obtain Aniston's phone number.

He confided in a close friend about his admiration for the actress, exchanging texts and emojis with her.

Despite Prince Harry's apparent crush, Jennifer Aniston, aware of the age gap between them, chose not to encourage his feelings.

An insider revealed that Aniston's spokesperson addressed the issue, denying the claims made about Prince Harry's infatuation.

However, Halperin stood by his assertions, insisting that the prince's feelings for Aniston were genuine.

While Jennifer Aniston remains single, her name continues to be linked romantically with her ex-husband, .

Their heartwarming reunion at the SAG Awards earlier this year reportedly left Brad's former wife, , feeling unsettled and disrespected.

In contrast, Prince Harry found love and marital bliss with , exchanging vows on May 18, 2018.

Recently celebrating their second wedding anniversary, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex currently reside in Los Angeles with their son, Archie, after stepping down from their senior royal roles.

Despite facing persistent divorce rumors and skepticism surrounding their marriage, Harry and Meghan remain united.

However, their decision to bring their children, Archie and Lilibet, to the upcoming Platinum Jubilee weekend has sparked controversy.

Royal biographer Angela Levin criticized Prince Harry and Meghan Markle for potentially burdening the Queen with the presence of their young children during the Jubilee celebrations in early June.

While some view the children's attendance as an opportunity for family bonding, others, including Levin, believe it may overwhelm the Queen, given her packed schedule and limited energy.

Expressing her concern on GB News, Levin suggested that the Sussexes should have chosen a more suitable time to introduce Lilibet to her great-grandmother.

She emphasized the importance of considering the Queen's well-being and the demands of the Jubilee weekend, highlighting that a quieter and more intimate family gathering would have been preferable.

The decision to bring their children to such a significant event has raised eyebrows, with some speculating that it may be another strategic move by the couple to capitalize on their royal connections.

As Prince Harry and Meghan Markle navigate their roles outside the traditional royal framework, their choices continue to be scrutinized, adding further layers to the ongoing saga of their royal journey.

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