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Robert De Niro’s Quirky Bedtime Attire: Revealed

Carole Mallory, a well-known actress and model renowned for her book “Loving Mailer,” detailing her affair with Norman Mailer, has unleashed another literary piece unveiling her escapades with renowned personalities.

Among her intriguing revelations is the claim that preferred to wear socks during intimate moments.

In her latest book “Picasso's Ghost,” Mallory delves into her tumultuous relationship and subsequent broken engagement with Pablo Picasso's son Claude.

She candidly narrates her dalliances with Peter Sellers and , shedding light on her emotional journey.

Reflecting on past experiences, Mallory shares, “I sought solace in the arms of famous men to counteract my insecurities after being abandoned by Claude Picasso.

Their celebrity status reassured me.”

The rendezvous between Mallory and De Niro transpired in 1975 at the iconic Chateau Marmont, sparking a 14-day liaison characterized by intensity.

Mallory recounts, “Throughout our intimate encounters, his unwavering gaze met mine.

I later connected his butterfly tattoo to his whimsical nature, mirrored by his peculiar habit of retaining his socks during our encounters.”

Expressing her disappointment at De Niro's subsequent marriage to Diahnne Abbott without prior notice, Mallory remarks, “A simple courtesy call would have sufficed.”

Detailing her romantic involvement with the iconic “Pink Panther” luminary Peter Sellers, Mallory paints a vivid picture in her book from Amazon's CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.

She recalls, “I lavished kisses upon his hairy physique, reminiscent of a colossal panda bear with abundant fur adorning even his back.

His unique charm captivated me.”

However, Mallory reflects on Sellers' inner turmoil, speculating, “Perhaps his profound self-revulsion clouded his essence.

Alcohol served as a temporary escape, liberating him momentarily from his inner demons.”

Now aged 71, Mallory imparts an exhilarating encounter with in the late '70s, marveling at his acrobatic prowess.

She reminisces, “Gere exhibited remarkable agility in his lovemaking technique, embodying a modern Valentino exuding thoughtfulness and sensitivity.

A distinct figure among the rest, etched in memory for his individuality and compassion.”

Despite attempts to garner responses from representatives of De N

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