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Robert Pattinson’s Unpleasant Encounter with Reese Witherspoon on Set

In the year 2011, heartthrob was at the peak of his fame, especially known for his role as the sparkly vampire Edward Cullen in the Twilight series.

However, there was a particular incident that involved actress , which didn't quite go as expected.

Witherspoon, who starred alongside Pattinson in the movie ‘Water for Elephants', revealed that their on-screen kiss left much to be desired.

‘Water for Elephants' depicted Pattinson as a veterinary student who finds solace in a circus troupe following a personal tragedy.

His character develops a romantic relationship with a circus performer portrayed by Witherspoon, despite interference from her controlling husband played by Christoph Waltz.

During the filming of a romantic scene in the movie, circumstances were less than ideal for Pattinson.

Battling a cold and dealing with unpleasant symptoms, including a runny nose, he shared his experience with MTV in 2011.

Pattinson humorously recounted how he had to wipe his nose on Witherspoon's wig during the scene, due to his cold.

Confirming the less-than-ideal situation, Witherspoon acknowledged that Pattinson's runny nose made the kiss far from pleasant.

She jokingly advised bringing Sudafed when kissing someone with a cold, shedding light on the challenges faced during that particular scene.

Despite the awkward encounter in ‘Water for Elephants', Pattinson had previously faced nerve-wracking moments during the filming of the Twilight series.

He expressed his unease before the iconic kissing scene with , who played Bella, in the first movie.

The actor revealed feeling intimidated about portraying the necessary tone for the romantic moment, highlighting the pressure of such intimate scenes.

However, as the Twilight saga progressed, Pattinson's comfort level seemed to increase.

By the time ‘Breaking Dawn' was filmed, he admitted to getting carried away during kissing scenes, often forgetting the presence of the crew around him.

This shift in attitude showcased a more relaxed approach to intimate scenes, contrasting with his initial nervousness during the earlier films.

In conclusion, despite 's successful career and numerous romantic scenes on screen, his encounter with during ‘Water for Elephants' stands out as a humorous and slightly uncomfortable memory for both actors involved.

This incident sheds light on the challenges faced by actors during intimate scenes and the unexpected obstacles that can arise during filming.

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