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**Royal Drama Unfolds: Queen Elizabeth and Prince William’s Stance Against Meghan Markle**

Rumors are swirling around the royal circles, suggesting that Queen Elizabeth and are contemplating severe repercussions for .

Speculation arose last month that was resolute in his decision to prevent Meghan from setting foot in the UK.

Amid whispers of Markle planning a visit for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, William aimed to convey a clear message of unwelcome.

An insider disclosed, “Meghan has already caused enough trouble; the last thing we need is her stealing the spotlight once again.”

William is adamant about avoiding the drama that inevitably follows Meghan wherever she goes.

Reports indicate that Meghan did not take the news well.

A confidential source shared, “Meghan is terrified at the thought of being excluded.

She is desperately trying to reach out to Prince William, but his staff is blocking all communication attempts.”

William has firmly stated that the damage is irreversible, and he has no desire to engage with her any further.

In a recent development, supposedly had a significant realization during his time in the United States with Meghan and their children, Archie and Lilibet Diana.

Despite his discontent in the US, Harry is reluctant to express his feelings to Meghan, fearing he might upset her.

Sources claim that Harry has been pleading with and Queen Elizabeth to allow him to return to the UK with his children.

However, the senior royals remain unmoved, wary of inviting more turmoil upon Meghan's return.

Insiders suggested that after a brief visit to the UK, intends to return to the US to prepare for a permanent relocation to the UK.

He aspires to resume his royal duties and reunite with the .

Nevertheless, the final decision lies in the hands of Her Majesty, who is reportedly displeased with Harry's actions and their impact on the family.

Amidst the turmoil, a royal expert expressed Queen Elizabeth's joy as she embarks on her 70th year on the throne, leading up to the platinum jubilee celebrations alongside Prince William, Duchess Catherine, and their children.

The Queen, set to become the first British monarch to reach 70 years on the throne, will commemorate the occasion surrounded by her loved ones at Sandringham.

The expert highlighted the significance of the day, emphasizing the quiet reflection intertwined with celebrations in honor of her late father and Prince Philip.

Stuart Pearce, the royal expert, noted the profound emotional connection between Queen Elizabeth and her father, making this milestone particularly poignant for her.

As the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge prepare to join the Queen with their children – , , and – the familial bond and tradition bring immense joy to Her Majesty.

The presence of the younger generation serves as a reminder of heritage, tradition, and legacy, infusing the monarch with a sense of exhilaration as she approaches this historic milestone in her reign.

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