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Salma Hayek Reveals Harvey Weinstein’s Cruel Comments About Her Appearance During Frida Kahlo Film

recently opened up about her experience working on the film and the mistreatment she endured from disgraced producer .

During an interview with The Guardian to promote Marvel's Eternals, the 55-year-old actress discussed the eight-year journey to bring the biopic about the iconic Mexican painter to the big screen.

Hayek received an Oscar nomination for Best Actress for her portrayal of Kahlo.

Hayek shared that Weinstein would often bully her during the production of the film, but she refused to let him have power over her.

“While he bullied me, I still felt okay.

I would shake afterwards and it did depress me, but there was a certain cartoonish aspect to the whole situation,” Hayek stated.

“When he would call me up and yell, ‘Why do you have a monobrow and mustache?

I didn't hire you to look ugly!'

I would respond, ‘But haven't you ever seen a picture of Frida Kahlo?'”

She added, “If a man was playing Cyrano de Bergerac, he wouldn't ask, ‘What's with the nose?'”

Despite the harassment, Hayek asserted that she remained strong in dealing with Weinstein and did more than just say no.

“I'm a force to be reckoned with,” Hayek declared.

“He never saw me weak.

It's not that I'm not afraid, but I don't show it.

My calm strength can be quite intimidating, you know?”

A representative for Weinstein responded to Hayek's claims, stating, “Harvey has fond memories of Ms. Hayek dating back to 1995.

He believes they had a friendly relationship, both with her and her husband, Francois-Henri Pinault.

They met while on vacation in Switzerland in 2015 and have had dinners together.”

In 2017, Hayek penned an emotional op-ed for The New York Times detailing her experiences with Weinstein.

She alleged that he would become enraged whenever she rejected his s**ual advances.

“He would go from sweet-talking me to, on one occasion, uttering the terrifying words, ‘I will kill you, don't think I can't,'” Hayek claimed.

Weinstein's representative responded to the allegations at the time, stating, “Mr. Weinstein regards as a first-class actress and has cast her in several of his movies, including Once Upon a Time in Mexico, Dogma, and Studio 54.

He was very proud of her Best Actress Academy Award nomination for Frida and continues to support her work.”

Now, Hayek is drawing on her inner strength for her role in Marvel's Eternals, where she portrays Ajak, the leader of a group of immortal superbeings tasked with protecting the Earth.

In a recent interview with AARP Magazine, Hayek expressed her surprise at landing the role of a superhero at the age of 55.

“I was shocked to get that role in my 50s,” Hayek shared.

“I felt a sense of gratitude and excitement, not only for this opportunity but also for what it represents in terms of future possibilities.”

Eternals is set to hit theaters this Friday.

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