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Sean Young Alleges Career Sabotage by Ridley Scott, Steven Spielberg, and Warren Beatty

Sean Young, known for her role in “Blade Runner,” claims that her career was deliberately undermined by renowned Hollywood directors who labeled her as “difficult.”

In a candid interview with the Daily Beast, Young specifically mentioned , Ridley Scott, and as some of the directors responsible for sabotaging her professional trajectory.

According to the actress, these influential male directors blacklisted her from major roles, resulting in a derailing of her career.

Despite her notable performance as Rachael, 's love interest in “Blade Runner,” Young believes that her reputation hindered her progress in the industry.

She also had roles in films such as “Ace Ventura” (1994) and “Dune” (1984).

However, she has previously discussed the challenges she faced while working in Hollywood.

Young previously disclosed to The Guardian in 2015 that she was dismissed from the film “d–k Tracy” (1990) by after rejecting his advances.

Beatty has denied these allegations.

In the recent interview with the Daily Beast, Young referred to a 2009 conversation with Carl Reiner, where he hinted at her unjustly tarnished reputation due to the actions of a famous director whom he did not name.

When asked if Beatty was the director in question, Young confirmed he was one of them, alongside Spielberg.

Beyond Beatty, Young emphasizes that mistreatment of women in the film industry extends beyond a single individual.

She states, “It's not just Warren—it's across the board.

Ever since the movie business began, women have been treated as a commodity.”

Young further highlights the pervasive culture of harassment, referencing the case of as an example of power dynamics within the industry.

The interview delves into Young's experiences working with Ridley Scott on “Blade Runner” and the aggressive love scene between her character and .

Young claims that Scott initially pursued her romantically but eventually began dating Joanna Cassidy, who played Zhora in the film.

Regarding the controversial scene, she believes it was Scott's way of getting back at her.

Young also recounts an incident involving during a New Year's Eve party.

She approached him about not securing the role of Marion Ravenwood in “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” for which she had auditioned.

Spielberg, apparently offended by her approach, vehemently denied misleading her.

Young draws parallels between her experience and that of Bill Hurt, whom Spielberg wanted for “Jurassic Park” but ultimately canceled when Hurt declined.

This incident allegedly demonstrates Spielberg's power to affect careers, as seen with .

Insider has reached out to Spielberg, Beatty, and Scott for their response to Young's claims but has yet to receive a reply.

However, Young does express gratitude towards , her co-star in “Ace Ventura.”

She credits him with fighting for her inclusion in the film, despite objections from the studio.

Carrey's support stands out as a rare instance where a leading man advocated for her talent.

In conclusion, Sean Young reveals her belief that her career was intentionally sabotaged by influential Hollywood directors, signaling a larger issue of mistreatment and harassment of women within the industry.

While some directors have been unresponsive to these allegations, Young acknowledges the exceptional support she received from amidst her struggles.

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