In the early hours of yesterday morning, renowned actor Eddie Murphy was intercepted by law enforcement officers after he picked up a transsexual prostitute...
Actor Eddie Murphy is allegedly uninterested in building a relationship with his ten-year-old daughter, Angel. Murphy and singer Mel B had Angel together, but...
In an interview with “CBS Sunday Morning,” Eddie Murphy, renowned comedian and actor, expressed regret and shock over his old stand-up routines from the...
Superstar Eddie Murphy was apprehended by police after picking up a transsexual prostitute in West Hollywood. However, his publicist claims that Murphy was only...
In 1997, Eddie Murphy, the renowned actor and comedian, was enjoying immense success in Hollywood. However, his encounter with a transgender prostitute in his...
Hollywood actor Eddie Murphy has expressed his lack of interest in having a relationship with Mel B's daughter, Angel Iris, according to court proceedings...