In a recent discussion, comedian Jim Carrey opened up about his deep-seated fears regarding a potential Kamala Harris presidency. Known for his sharp wit...
In an unexpected twist, Jim Carrey has hinted at retirement, raising eyebrows and sparking conversations about the darker side of Hollywood. The actor's recent...
Jim Carrey, a renowned actor and comedian in Hollywood, has brought laughter to millions with his immense talent. Despite his successful career, Carrey's foray...
During her appearance on The Graham Norton Show, Margot Robbie found herself at the receiving end of a rather uncomfortable and controversial “joke” from...
A recent video clip featuring Jim Carrey engaging with Margot Robbie has resurfaced, leading to criticism from fans who are labeling Carrey as ‘creepy'....
Back in 2020, the renowned actor Jim Carrey faced backlash for a rather uncomfortable joke he directed towards actress Margot Robbie during an episode...
The former member of Genesis revealed that he harbors an irrational aversion towards the Dumb and Dumber star, finding his exuberant persona both grating...
Jim Carrey, aged 58, received criticism for his comments suggesting that Margot Robbie owes her successful career to her appearance, labeling the interaction as...