The renowned actor, Kiefer Sutherland, is currently under police investigation following allegations that he head-butted fashion designer Jack McCollough during an altercation related to...
Julia Roberts, known for her roles in romantic comedies, soared to stardom with the beloved Hollywood film “Runaway Bride.” However, long before the success...
Renowned actor Kiefer Sutherland finds himself in hot water following an incident that echoes his on-screen persona of the fearless Jack Bauer. The star...
A prominent incident occurred at the Met Gala involving actor Kiefer Sutherland and fashion designer Jack McCollough, known for his work with Proenza Schouler....
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA – Julia Roberts, renowned for her role in the classic Hollywood film ‘Runaway Bride,' has solidified her status as the queen...
Julia Roberts, a well-established actor with numerous successful films under her belt, and Kiefer Sutherland, best known for his role in the hit show...
In a surprising turn of events, renowned Hollywood actress Julia Roberts found herself in a real-life scenario reminiscent of her hit movie “Runaway Bride.”...