Following rumors about her alleged disruptive behavior, more details have emerged regarding Lindsay Lohan's brief appearance on the set of “Scary Movie 5.” In...
In the world of Hollywood, there are stars whose pasts have been riddled with controversies and difficulties. Lindsay Lohan and Charlie Sheen, two such...
Lindsay Lohan, the 26-year-old actress known for her troubled past with the law, found herself hesitant about locking lips with fellow actor Charlie Sheen...
Lindsay Lohan's involvement in Bret Easton Ellis and Paul Schrader's project, The Canyons, has encountered an unexpected hurdle. Despite the earlier announcement of Lohan...
In a recent interview with Oprah Winfrey broadcasted on OWN, Lindsay Lohan disclosed that she had previously understated the frequency of her cocaine usage....
According to TMZ sources, Lindsay’s reaction to the sentencing was explosive as she vented to her friends about her belief that Judge Revel harbored...
In a shocking turn of events, Lindsay Lohan found herself in the midst of controversy after accusing Syrian refugee parents of human trafficking and...
Actress Lindsay Lohan encountered some unexpected blows on her birthday. Allegedly, Lohan was struck in the face by a waitress during her 24th birthday...
A surprising incident unfolded on Instagram as actress Lindsay Lohan streamed a live video, showcasing a perplexing sequence where she seemingly receives a blow...
In a recent incident, actress Lindsay Lohan was taken into custody by the authorities after reportedly engaging in a physical altercation with another woman...
A heated confrontation between actress Lindsay Lohan and her partner Samantha Ronson unfolded during a night out in London. The dispute arose when DJ...
Lindsay Lohan faced embarrassment as her tumultuous relationship with Samantha Ronson took a public turn, with Samantha tossing her belongings onto the street after...