Actors often find themselves in enviable positions, being paid to engage in on-screen romance with their fellow performers. These moments, captured through the lens...
Robert Pattinson, known for his role as vampire Edward Cullen, starred alongside Reese Witherspoon in the 2011 film Water for Elephants. Despite fans' anticipation...
In an unexpected turn of events, Robert Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon found themselves in an awkward situation while filming a kissing scene for the...
Robert Pattinson has openly shared that he engaged in self-pleasure while filming intimate scenes for the 2008 film Little Ashes, portraying Salvador Dali, proudly...
Robert Pattinson, well-known for his role in the Twilight franchise, revealed an intriguing behind-the-scenes story. The 37-year-old actor, who skyrocketed to fame as Edward...
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, famously known as “Robsten,” had a tumultuous relationship that was even more chaotic offscreen than on. This is quite...
Filming intimate scenes can be a daunting task for actors, and Robert Pattinson had a particularly uncomfortable experience while working with Julianne Moore on...