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The One Deliverance Scene Burt Reynolds Regretted Filming

, the iconic tough guy in movies, experienced the downside of performing his own stunts when things didn't go according to plan.

In the film Deliverance, Reynolds decided to do a stunt himself, resulting in an injury that never fully healed and left him with regret as he aged.

While the human body can be resilient, some injuries leave lasting effects.

During a scene where Reynolds had to go over the falls, he chose to forgo a stunt double or dummy and ended up cracking his tailbone on a rock.

Although this injury may seem comical to some, it caused him considerable pain for years.

Unfortunately, this wasn't the only injury Reynolds sustained during his career.

One would have expected him to realize the importance of using a stunt double for dangerous scenes, especially considering the long-lasting impact of his injuries.

Stuntmen exist to make scenes look good while actors avoid putting themselves at risk.

Stuntmen are trained professionals who work with a team to minimize the danger involved.

While not everything always goes according to plan, Reynolds admitted to regretting his decision in an interview three years before his death.

was undoubtedly a movie legend known for his masculinity.

However, simply being tough and fearless doesn't guarantee a successful stunt performance without injury.

Taking precautions and prioritizing safety is not a sign of weakness but a responsible approach to prevent harm.

Some may argue that being cautious means missing out on life, but rational individuals understand the importance of protecting oneself and others.

The goal is to create a visually appealing film while ensuring everyone's well-being.

Reynolds openly discussed the impact of his injuries on his health throughout the years, which likely contributed to his regret.

Stunt professionals are there for a reason, and their expertise should not be underestimated.

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