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Tiger Woods’ Mistress Reveals Secrets in New Book

In a groundbreaking revelation, one of ' former mistresses shares intimate details about her experiences with the famous golfer.

Loredana Jolie, a 27-year-old escort from the Bronx, discloses in her upcoming tell-all book, “The Real Diary: Lessons from the Good Time Girl to Champion,” that Woods had an affinity for threesomes, harbored fantasies involving men, and was trapped in a marriage with an indifferent spouse.

Describing Woods' preferences, Jolie mentions his interest in watching women together and how they occasionally engaged in such activities.

She recounts how she would provoke his imagination by proposing scenarios involving other men, which aroused him.

Although Woods never explicitly agreed to experiment, the idea excited him.

The memoir, set to hit shelves next month, coincides with the one-year anniversary of the infamous Thanksgiving SUV incident that exposed Woods' extramarital affairs.

Jolie paints Woods as a passionate lover with a generous heart, praising his prowess in the bedroom and emphasizing their fulfilling s–ual relationship.

Highlighting Woods' fondness for kissing and his penchant for receiving seductive text and picture messages, Jolie hints at the inclusion of another woman in their encounters.

She mentions his struggles with addiction to pills, particularly sleeping aids and painkillers, attributing it to a severe sleep disorder he grappled with.

Jolie doesn't hold back when discussing Woods' ex-wife, Elin Nordegren, blaming her for turning a blind eye to his infidelities.

She questions the authenticity of their relationship, suggesting financial motives overshadowed genuine affection between them.

Recounting her liaisons with Woods between 2006 and 2008, Jolie claims to have engaged with him on approximately 20 occasions, accepting monetary compensation only once to cover expenses.

She also teases encounters with celebrities like Michael Jordan and but clarifies that these interactions did not progress beyond flirtation.

Cryptically alluding to possessing information that could benefit millions globally, Jolie insinuates that her diary contains profound insights gained from encounters with influential figures.

Despite these revelations, she confesses that it is Woods whom she still yearns for and believes they could reconnect if circumstances allowed.

Expressing regret over changing her contact information following media attention on their relationship, Jolie implies a lingering connection with Woods that remains unexplored.

Her narrative offers a glimpse into the tumultuous personal life of one of golf's most iconic figures, shedding light on the complexities of fame, desire, and human relationships.

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